i put a little bit of illustration into my creative writing, a little bit of creative writing into my music, a little bit of music into my teaching, and a whole lot of all of these crafts into coding.

fluegefrontend developer remote / leipzig, germany, february 2024 - current. : web-components + atomic design system = amazing developer experience (with flexibility, reusibiliity, scalability, and consistency)!. : love the team.
localyzefrontend developer remote / hamburg, germany, june 2022 - dec 2023. : javascript frontend (react and nextJs), ruby on rails backend. coding to help automate the tasks of case managers who assisted employees in global mobility. : it was so much fun helping to develop the design system: pluto.
x-ionjunior frontend developer remote / hamburg, germany, june 2020 - february 2022. : frontend coding to automate large scale health insurance applications. : i really honed my animation skills.
south high schoolteacher - english as a second language (esl) minneaplis, minnesota, usa, october 2016 - june 2019. : wrote, designed, and taught 10th, 11th, and 12th grade curriculum oriented towards racial and social justice. helped over 1000 students learn english as a second language. coordinated a team of 10 teachers. boosted the level of cultural relevance using 21st century apps and technology. : this was both the most rewarding and the most stressful job of my life.
minneapolis public schoolsproject specialist - community education minneaplis, minnesota, usa, september 2012 - 2014. : helped to coordinate after school programming for thousands of children in the minneapolis area. maintained, updated, and developed the community education websites. : it was my honour to meet, be mentored by, and work with the greatly inspirational artist: cándida gonzález.
powderhorn porchfestco-founder and organiser minneaplis, minnesota, usa, 2012 - 2014. : together with niky duxbury, we founded powderhorn porchfest- a free, neighborhood based music festival that brought people together and highlighted local musicians, food vendors, and artists. it's still going strong to this day. : seeing the community come out and gather in the streets to hear a lot of great local music.
americorps promise fellowart teacher minneaplis, minnesota, usa, october 2011 - 2012. : designed and implemented art oriented curriculum for youth. : together, with the students, built an enormous robot sculpture using only recycled materials and we had two pet rats in the classroom.
colegio carlos terceroenglish teacher aranjuez, madrid, spain, september 2009 - 2011. : served as lead english teacher, helping to improve the language skills of students. : i got to act in a pantomime! i also got to walk the camino de santiago- a life changing experience!